Steen Rasmussen
IDUG Vendor Liaison/Sponsor
Professional Bio
Steen Rasmussen is a Customer Services Consultant currently instrumental in the ongoing development and support of the Broadcom Db2 solutions. In 1985 Steen started as an IMS/DB2 DBA at a major insurance company in Denmark working with all aspects of DB2 - like tuning, application design and implementation, education of developers, backup and recovery planning and automation of housekeeping processes. During this job, Steen also served as a member of the planning committee for DB2 GUIDE SHARE Nordic Region. In 1995 Steen became a technical manager at PLATINUM Technology managing technical support and presales for the DB2 products.
Steen has been working with DB2 for z/OS Release 1.0 since 1985 and is always looking for new opportunities in the Broadcom DB2 solutions which can help customers manage DB2 more efficiently. Besides from providing support to the teams in the field as well as internal groups at Broadcom working with DB2, Steen is also a frequent speaker at IDUG in North America, EMEA and Australia as well as local DB2 User Groups around the world. Since 2014 Steen has been an IBM Champion. Steen has also been the Broadcom liaison for IDUG NA since 2013
Company / Organization

Which product(s) do you use?
DB2 z/OS