We enjoyed seeing so many of you at #EMEA24 in Valencia, Spain. It was an energizing, informative, and fun (!!) week of collaboration and connection, featuring top-notch speakers (and attendees) that we've come to expect at our IDUG Db2 Tech Conferences.
Speaking of which, we're delighted to showcase our IDUG EMEA 2024 Speaker Award Winners:
Best Overall Speaker: Mehmet Cuneyt Goksu
Best User Speaker: Philip Nelson
Top Ten Speakers:
Christian Garcia-Arellano
John Campbell
John Hornibrook
Maja Adam
Mehmet Cuneyt Goksu
Michal Bialecki
Philip Nelson
Roy Boxwell
Thomas Baumann
Toine Michielse
Congratulations to the award winners, and to all of our IDUG EMEA 2024 speakers. We're grateful for your contributions - it's a highlight of our event year.
For those interested in donating to disaster relief efforts, may we suggest visiting your local Red Cross website? You can choose to support the work being done in Valencia and/or other regions, or simply allow the Red Cross to use your donation wherever they may need it. Thank you for supporting our global community.