In previous articles, we revisited the basic principles of TLS encryption, their relevance for Db2 administrators and, in a deeper dive, the special...
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It’s finally here! The news you’ve all been waiting for... Db2 support of Pacemaker with pureScale is now available for Linux operating systems in...
Read PostIBM’s Db2 database is a long-time heavyweight in the database market that runs many of the world’s mission critical workloads. Built to support both...
Read PostThe previous AI Query Optimizer blogs covered the motivations and features behind the AI Query Optimizer as well as the neural networks that power...
Read PostIn a previous blog, we discussed the basic principles of TLS encryption and their relevance for Db2 administrators, no matter whether you are part...
Read PostRecently, on November 14th, IBM released the new version 12 of Db2 LUW and with that, as for every LUW version, a new version of Db2 Connect and the...
Read PostA tablespace Scan is chosen by the optimizer for the retrieval of data from a query for many different reasons, often times when no other access...
Read PostFor the past 30 years, Transport Layer Security (TLS) has been the cornerstone of securing data in transit on the web. Billions of messages are sent...
Read PostSome say the query optimizer can be thought of as the brain of your database management system. How is it possible to integrate neural networks into...
Read PostAre column masks really secure as they seem to be? A few years ago, I published a blog on how to unmask the masked data. I believe this is the right...
Read PostA recent post in this blog by Emil Kotrc, “Unmasking the masked data,” brought awareness to a potential risk with using column masks. In this...
Read PostStorage systems play an important role in database recovery. Since storage capabilities are one of the central characteristics of cloud...
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